

  • 7
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 河北省 廊坊 广阳区 新开路街道 廊坊市开发区
  • 姓名: 张女士
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


    AJA Ki Pro Ultra Plus 4K 储存录像机

  • 所属行业:广电 录像/编辑设备 硬盘录像机
  • 发布日期:2018-12-24
  • 阅读量:380
  • 价格:33000.00 元/台 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:4.00 台
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:河北廊坊广阳区  
  • 关键词:AJA,录像机,价格,Ki,Pro,Ultra,Plus,卖家,4K,储存录像机,图片

    AJA Ki Pro Ultra Plus 4K 储存录像机详细内容

    Ki Pro Ultra Plus is a Multi-Channel Apple ProRes recorder offering up to 4-Channels of simultaneous HD recording, or in Single-Channel mode a 4K/UltraHD/2K/HD Apple ProRes or Avid DNxHD MXF recorder and player supporting the latest connectivity including 3G-SDI, Fiber and HDMI 2.0, as well as large raster high frame rate workflows, including 4K 60p.?
    Designed to be both portable with a built-in carry handle or rackmountable with half rack wide 2RU high dimensions, Ki Pro Ultra Plus suits a wide range of production and post environments.
    Multi-Channel HD Recording
    Record 1, 2, 3 or 4-Channels of beautiful HD up to 1080p 50/60 in Apple ProRes simultaneously with Ki Pro Ultra Plus.
    Simplify your multi-camera productions by running up to four cameras per Ki Pro Ultra Plus and save power, space, time and effort on set,in the studio and when setting up OB trucks.
    Ki Pro Ultra Plus even allows independent profile support per channel in Multi-Channel mode; select high resolution Apple ProRes HQ for high quality finishing and use a second input to record Apple ProRes (Proxy) for an efficient editing pipeline.
    Starting with input 1, add channels as needed in order when utilizing like raster size and frame rate, and record your HD Apple ProRes files on the same AJA Pak1000 media. Ki Pro Ultra Plus even allows rollover to a second Pak1000 for hours of uninterrupted multi-channel recording.
    Ki Protect
    Ki Pro Ultra Plus includes Ki Protect, a feature that helps to ensure data integrity if a media drive is accidentally removed or loses power during recording. The Ki Protect feature automatically pre-allocates recording space on the media drive for video, audio and timecode when the record button is pressed.
    While recording, the file header is then continuously updated every time new data is written. That way, the only loss that should be incurred is the last few frames that were in transit to the media drive to be recorded when the operation was interrupted. Frames that are already recorded will be preserved and are recoverable, providing greater peace-of-mind on set and in the studo, essential for multi-channel recording.
    HDMI 2.0: Colorful Simplicity
    Full HDMI 2.0 support on Ki Pro Ultra Plus offers deep color support all the way up to 4:4:4 12-bit RGB, perfect for rich color capture from affordable HDMI cameras and beautiful playback on the latest HDMI 2.0 displays.?
    A single cable can affordably transport both UltraHD or HD video and clean 24-bit 48hz 8-Channel audio to or from common HDMI 2.0 devices for a simple setup; perfect for independent producers, editors, ProAV,and anyone seeking to utilize the latest affordable capture and monitoring tools.
    4K, 12-bit Full Raster Workflows for Professionals
    Next generation 4K/UltraHD 50/60p recording and playback are attainable all the way up to Apple ProRes HQ when using AJA Pak1000 SSD media with Ki Pro Ultra Plus.
    4K/UltraHD is supported through 4x 3G-SDI, HDMI 2.0 or optional Fiber inputs and outputs.
    Ki Pro Ultra Plus not only supports true 4K at 4096 x 2160p for digital cinema and high quality UltraHD for broadcast production, it also offers the color depth to match.
    Any shoot or project benefits from the fabulously rich colors and smooth gradations across the luminance and chroma range that 12-bit makes possible with full 4:4:4 support including Apple ProRes 4444 XQ.
    VFX work benefits from Ki Pro Ultra Plus’ 12-bit support on 4x 3G-SDI input to captured Apple ProRes 444 files, resulting in clean green screen plates across the 4K/UltraHD/2K/HD raster landscape for easy and detailed postproduction manipulation. With full HDMI 2.0, you can monitorit all from 4:2:2 YCbCr to full 4:4:4 RG in 12-bit.?
    Big on quality - but not on file size.
    Ki Pro Ultra Plus records 4K/UltraHD/2K/HD to six quality levels? of Apple ProRes including Apple ProRes 4444 XQ. This lets you choose the balance of image fidelity and file size that's right for each individual production as well as having the flexibility to record directly to native file formats that are understood by most major editing systems.
    Next generation UltraHD 60p and 4K 60p recording is attainable all the way up to Apple ProRes HQ when usingAJA Pak1000 SSD media.
    By utilizing Apple ProRes, your project will have the best image quailty available, with manageable and affordablefile sizes.Avid DNxHD MXF Recording
    Ki Pro Ultra Plus offers native Avid MXF support for HD workflows. Record and playback DNxHD files with an OP1a profile within an MXF container for DNxHD HQX (220x), DNxHD SQ (145) and DNxHD LB (36) codecs.
    This provides a native MXF workflow for Avid pipelines, free of transcoding.
    DNxHD HQX (220x)*DNxHD SQ (145)*DNxHD LB (36)**(HD) 1080p 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 50, 59.94(HD) 1080i 25, 29.97(HD) 1080PsF 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97(HD) 720p 50, 59.94*Avid DNxHD only supported for 1080 and 720 resolutions**Avid DNxHD 36 only supported for 1080p
    2SI (Two Sample Interleave)
    Ki Pro Ultra Plus supports both Square Division Quad Split format and Two Sample Interleave giving a wide number of options to both record and playback 4K and UltraHD.
    Set up is easy, with Ki Pro Ultra Plus sensing the format being delivered in its “Follow Input” mode. Ki Pro Ultra Plus also allows you to select separate quad modes for both in and out, giving an additional conversion feature for when you need it.
    16-Channel Audio Support
    Ki Pro Ultra Plus provides full 16-Channel audio support embedded over SDI or Fiber. Flexible routing options mean that 8-Channel only outputs like HDMI, Analog and Digital carry options for selecting the 8-Channel group required. Monitoring via the headphone jack on the front of the unit is split into easy 2-Channel groupings for on-set checks.
    欢迎来到廊坊市平测电子科技有限公司网站, 具体地址是河北省廊坊广阳区廊坊市开发区,联系人是张女士。 主要经营本公司主要经营通讯仪器,经营品牌有 泰克,安捷伦,罗德施瓦茨,福禄克,安立,利达...... 仪器均为进口产品。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 本公司以科技为前导,质量为中心,全员为基础,创智博品牌。质量、信誉是公司生存和发展的基石;ISO9000质量体系为保证。选择我们的产品:通信仪器,泰克,安捷伦,是正确的决定!